ReliefWeb API - Documentation

This is the documentation for the ReliefWeb API v0.

This documentation is for Version 0 of the api.
Version 0 has been deprecated.
This is kept for historical reasons only - please do not use this version of the API.
Please use the latest version of the API.

The API allows to fetch content from ReliefWeb like the latest headlines, job offers or disasters.

Table of contents

General information

Any call to the API returns a JSON object.

Calls follow the pattern:

reference description values
APIURL Main url. More information.
VERSION API Version number. More information. v0
ENTITY Type of entity that is being queried. More information. report, job, training, disaster or country.
METHOD or ITEMID Type of request, or specific id of item being queried. More information. info, list or numeric id.
PARAMETERS HTTP GET query string, or a JSON object, with further details of the query. More information. ?limit=1, {"limit": 1} (for example).

A successful call returns a JSON object of three parts:

An unsuccessful call returns:

  • the version,
  • an HTTP status code (not 200)
  • an error message.

For convenience, the version and status codes are always present in the JSON object.

Example of a successful call:


	"version": 0,
	"status": 200,
	"data": {
		"type": "report",
		"time": 1,
		"total": 982,
		"count": 1,
		"list": [{
			"id": "573658",
			"score": 1,
			"fields": {
				"title": "EU Chief Observer expresses serious concerns about levels of violence affecting the campaign during a visit to Peshawar"

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While this remains a Reliefweb Labs project, the url for API calls is:

The URL is likely to change when the API leaves beta.

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The current available version is a beta version labeled v0.

Calling the API with just the version number returns the available API endpoints:

curl -XGET ''


	"version": 0,
	"status": 200,
	"data": {
		"title": "ReliefWeb API",
		"endpoints": {
			"report": {
				"info": "http:\/\/\/v0\/report\/info",
				"list": "http:\/\/\/v0\/report\/list",
				"item": "http:\/\/\/v0\/report\/[ID]"
			"job": {
				"info": "http:\/\/\/v0\/job\/info",
				"list": "http:\/\/\/v0\/job\/list",
				"item": "http:\/\/\/v0\/job\/[ID]"
			"training": {
				"info": "http:\/\/\/v0\/training\/info",
				"list": "http:\/\/\/v0\/training\/list",
				"item": "http:\/\/\/v0\/training\/[ID]"
			"country": {
				"info": "http:\/\/\/v0\/country\/info",
				"list": "http:\/\/\/v0\/country\/list",
				"item": "http:\/\/\/v0\/country\/[ID]"
			"disaster": {
				"info": "http:\/\/\/v0\/disaster\/info",
				"list": "http:\/\/\/v0\/disaster\/list",
				"item": "http:\/\/\/v0\/disaster\/[ID]"

↑ top


There are two ways to pass parameters to a method:

  • as a json object in the request body:
curl -XGET '' -d '{
	"query": {
		"fields": ["title", "body"],
		"value": "humanitarian"
  • as standard GET parameters:[value]=humanitarian&query[fields][0]=title&query[fields][1]=body

Only the HTTP method GET is allowed.

↑ top

###Status codes

The API uses the following subset of HTTP status codes:

code type description
200 success Successful API call. The data is in the data property of the JSON object.
400 error Syntax error. The passed parameters couldn’t be parsed due to a syntax error, for example: wrong usage of a parameter, invalid operator etc.
404 error API endpoint not found. Call to a method or an endpoint that doesn’t exist like using the ID of a document that has been removed.
405 error HTTP method not allowed. For example trying to call an endpoint using the method PUT while only GET is supported.
410 error Deprecated API version. Call to a version of the API that has been deprecated.
500 error Internal server error. Problem in the API itself.
503 error The service is currently unavailable. A possible cause is maintenance.

In case of error, the message defined in the error property of the JSON object should give enough information to resolve the problem.

↑ top


Entities correspond to the main content on ReliefWeb.

Currently data can be fetched for 5 entities:

Calling the API with the version number and entity type gives endpoints for just that entity type:

curl -XGET ''


    "title":"ReliefWeb API",

↑ top


Methods are the way to get the data for an entity type or for specific content.

They follow the same pattern:


Currently 4 methods are defined.

  1. info
  2. list
  3. count
  4. [itemid]

The last one is not a method per se, but follows a similar pattern and allows to get the data for a particular entity item.


This method returns information about the entity, mainly the definition of the fields.

This method doesn’t accept parameters.


curl -XGET ''


	"version": 0,
	"status": 200,
	"data": {
		"type": "country",
		"info": {
			"default_field": "name",
			"fields": {
				"id": {
					"type": "number",
					"sortable": true
				"url": {
					"type": "string",
					"not_searchable": true
				"name": {
					"type": "string",
					"exact": true,
					"sortable": true
				"shortname": {
					"type": "string",
					"exact": true,
					"sortable": true
				"iso3": {
					"type": "string",
					"exact": true,
					"sortable": true
				"current": {
					"type": "boolean"
				"featured": {
					"type": "boolean"
				"description": {
					"type": "string",
					"format": "markdown"

The default_field shows what will be returned in a list query if no fields are specified. See list fields.

The result is a list of properties for each field.

field property description values
type Indicates what kind of value the field can contain. If type is not present for a field, then it means this field is a container that can not be used directly unless default is defined. boolean, date, number or string
default Indicates that using the field will default to the field indicated in this property. another field name
exact Indicates that the field can also be used to match an exact value by appending .exact to the name of the field when querying or filtering. true or not present
multi Indicates that the field can contain a single value or an array of values. true or not present
sortable Indicates the field can be used to sort the the results. true or not present
not_searchable Indicates that the field can not be used in the filters or query but its value can be fetched. true or not present
format Indicates the format of the content of the field. Currently the only format available is markdown (see Markdown). Left undefined it defaults to no special format. currently markdown or not present

Dates are expressed in milliseconds since Epoch.

Exact fields can be used to match an exact term or phrase. Searching for Sudan in will match documents tagged with Sudan but not documents tagged with South Sudan.

Some fields in markdown format can contain relative links to ReliefWeb - Updates like [Some title](/node/123456). These links need consideration, and should be replaced with absolute links before transforming the text into html.

Container fields.

Fields without the type property defined are container fields. They do not contain data themselves, but return useful related information, especially when combined with common fields.

For example, the definition for the date field in reports is as follows:

  "date": {
  "date.created": {
  "date.changed": {
  "date.original": {

Searching in the date field is the same as searching the date.created field.

Common fields

Some default fields have the suffix .common. These are a shorthand to match all the other string fields with the same base name. This allows for shorter and more comprehensive search queries or filters and is useful in two ways:

  • searching

    This can be used in queries and filters (see method list - query or method list - filter). Searching a common field allows both shortened syntax and searching several sub-fields at once.

  • getting results

    Requesting a common field will result in all the subfields being returned at the same time (see method list - fields).

For example, the country field in reports defaults to a search on country.common. This is equivalent to searching searching in the, country.shortname and country.iso3 fields.

	"query": {
		"fields": ["country"],
		"value": "DR Congo"

Is equivalent to:

	"query": {
		"fields": ["", "country.shortname", "country.iso3"],
		"value": "DR Congo"

See method list for more details about the queries.

Common fields are not directly accessible but are often the default field for container fields and can be accessed using the container field name.

↑ top


This method can be used to get a list of entity items. This is the method for searching for content or generating filtered lists.

It accepts the following parameters, (fields, query, filter and sort are explained in more detail below):

parameter description values
limit Indicates the maximum number of items to return. The default is 10 and the maximum 1000. 1 to 1000
offset Indicates the offset from which to return the items. It can be used to create a pager. The default is 0. >= 0
fields Indicates which fields to include or exclude for each item. The default field returned depends on the entity type. See below for more details. array of field names to include or exclude
query Classic search query which accepts an extended syntax. The default is no query. See below for more details. object
filter Allows filtering of the results, it can be a simple filter or a logical combination of filters. The default is no filter. See below for more details. object
sort Allows sorting of the results. By default the results are ordered by score (relevance). See below for more details. array of field name and sort direction


curl -XGET '' -d '{
	"offset": 0,
	"limit": 3,
	"fields": {
		"include": ["url", "title", "primary_country"],
		"exclude": ["primary_country.shortname"]
	"query": {
		"value": "syria humanitarian",
		"fields": ["primary_country^5", "title^2", "body"],
		"operator": "and"
	"filter": {
		"conditions": [{
			"field": "theme",
			"value": ["shelter", "protection"]
			"field": "headline"
		"operator": "and"


	"version": 0,
	"status": 200,
	"data": {
		"type": "report",
		"time": 83,
		"total": 4,
		"count": 3,
		"list": [{
			"id": "572174",
			"score": 4.3886194,
			"fields": {
				"url": "",
				"title": "Syria Humanitarian Needs Overview, 26 April 2013",
				"primary_country": {
					"id": "226",
					"name": "Syrian Arab Republic",
					"iso3": "syr"
			"id": "572806",
			"score": 4.2634196,
			"fields": {
				"url": "",
				"title": "Regional Analysis Syria - 30 April 2013",
				"primary_country": {
					"id": "226",
					"name": "Syrian Arab Republic",
					"iso3": "syr"
			"id": "573651",
			"score": 1.6755415,
			"fields": {
				"url": "",
				"title": "UNHCR provides tents for hundreds of flood victims in Libya",
				"primary_country": {
					"id": "140",
					"name": "Libya",
					"iso3": "lby"


The fields parameter is an object with 2 properties: include and exclude. Each property accepts an array of field names.

This fields parameter is not to be confused with fields as parameters for a query. These influence which fields are returned, not which are searched in.

For field names, refer to the entity description as returned by the info method. If no fields parameter is specified, the default is returned. See info.

Adding a container field that defaults to common to the include property returns all the sub-fields:

	"limit": 1,
	"fields": {
		"include": ["title", "country"]
	"query": {
		"fields": ["title", "body"],
		"value": "humanitarian"

This query returns the above fields:

	"fields": {
		"title": "Transitions and Durable Solutions for Displaced Persons: 21 Reasons for Optimism",
		"country": [{
			"id": "13",
			"name": "Afghanistan",
			"iso3": "afg"
			"id": "182",
			"name": "Pakistan",
			"iso3": "pak"

In the above example, having selected country to include in the result, the full object with its sub-fields (id, name, iso3) is returned.

This is the same query with instead of country in include:

	"limit": 1,
	"fields": {
		"include": ["title", ""]
	"query": {
		"fields": ["title", "body"],
		"value": "humanitarian"

This query returns the above fields:

	"fields": {
		"title": "Transitions and Durable Solutions for Displaced Persons: 21 Reasons for Optimism",
		"country": [{
			"name": "Afghanistan"
			"name": "Pakistan"

Alternatively, it’s possible to specify fields or sub-fields to exclude by adding them to the exclude property:

	"limit": 1,
	"fields": {
		"include": ["title", "country"],
		"exclude": ["country.iso3"]
	"query": {
		"fields": ["title", "body"],
		"value": "humanitarian"

This query returns the above fields:

	"fields": {
		"title": "Transitions and Durable Solutions for Displaced Persons: 21 Reasons for Optimism",
		"country": [{
			"id": "13",
			"name": "Afghanistan"
			"id": "182",
			"name": "Pakistan"


This parameter is used to perform full text queries.

It’s an object with 3 properties:

property description values example
value corresponds to the query itself. It is mandatory. query string “situation report Kenya”
fields Specifies fields to perform the search query on. Defaults to the default_field as mentioned in the entity information (see entity information for available fields). array of fields names [“title”, “country”]
operator Sets up the logical connector between the terms of the query, by default spaces are interpreted as ` OR . | AND or OR | AND` → “humanitarian AND report”    

This fields parameter for query is not to be confused with the higher level fields parameter. These indicate which fields are searched in, not which are returned.


Names in the fields property can have a suffix in the form ^N where N is a positive integer. This will boost the score of the field to which it is applied, meaning that a term in this field will have more “value” than the same term in another field.

	"query": {
		"fields": ["title^5", "body"],
		"value": "humanitarian"

In the above query, title is boosted by 5. If two documents have the term humanitarian, one in the title and the other in the body, then the former will be have a better score, be considered more relevant and appear first in the list.

Extended syntax

The query value property accepts an extended syntax.

  • exact phrase

    By default, the query searches for each term separated by a space individually.

    It’s possible to search for an exact phrase by putting terms inside double quotes ":

    "situation report" humanitarian

    This query means situation report OR humanitarian.

  • inside query operator

    By default spaces are interpreted as OR. This behavior can be changed by specifying a default operator in the query operator property.

    It’s also possible to explicitely specify the relationship between terms inside the query:

    "situation report" AND humanitarian
  • inside query fields

    By default, the query is executed on the default_field property of the entity (see entity information). It can be overriden by specifying field names in the fields property of the query.

    It’s also possible to specify fields inside the query. The syntax is fieldname : term.

    country:France AND title:humanitarian
  • parentheses

    It’s possible to define logical groups inside the query by putting parts into parentheses:

    ("situation report" AND humanitarian) OR country:France

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The filter parameter is of 2 kinds. It can be a simple filter (field, value) or a logical combination of conditions, each condition being either a filter or another combination of conditions.

The following properties are available:

property description values
operator this property is always available. It corresponds to the logical connector between the filter values or the filter conditions. Default is AND. AND or OR
negate This property is always available. It is used to negate the filter, for finding documents not containing the filter value. true or not present
field This property is mandatory if the filter is a simple filter, but can not be defined at the same time as conditions. field name
value This property is mandatory for range and value type filters only. Otherwise it must not be defined. See the description of the filter types below for more details. single value, array or object
conditions This property is used to combine filters with a logical connector (the operator property). It can not be defined as the same time as field and value array of filters
Simple filter

A simple filter/condition can be of 3 types:

  • exists

Used to filter documents for which the specified field exists (has a value). The field property must be the field to check and the value property must not be defined. The negate property, if set, finds documents without the specified field. The operator property is ignored.

		"filter": {
			"field": "headline"
  • range

The range filter can only be used with fields of type date or number. The value property is an object with two properties from and to. The negate property, if set, finds documents with values outside the specified range. The operator property is ignored.

- If only `from` is defined then it will filter by values **greater or equal** to the `from` value.
- If only `to` is defined then it will filter by values **lower or equal** to the `to` value.
- If both `from` and `to` are defined then it will filter by values **between** the `from` and `to` values.
		"filter": {
			"field": "date.created",
			"value": {
				"from": 13697412340000,
				"to": 13697486790000,

Dates are expressed in milliseconds since Epoch.

  • value

Used to filter by a value. The value property can be either a single value or an array of values. The operator defines the logical relationship between the values in an array and is ignored for single values. The negate property, if set, finds documents that don’t match the value(s).

		"filter": {
			"field": "country",
			"value": ["France", "Spain"],
			"operator": "AND"

This filter will match documents where the country field contains both “France” and “Spain”.


A filter with the conditions property defined corresponds to a logical connection between the filters indicated in the conditions array. The operator defines the relationship between the filters. The negate property, if set, filters documents that don’t match either all the conditions (operator AND) or at least one of the conditions (operator OR).

Each condition can be either a simple filter as described above or another conditional filter.

	"filter": {
		"operator": "AND",
		"conditions": [{
			"field": "title",
			"value": "humanitarian"
			"field": "date.created",
			"value": {
				"from": 13697412340000

The above filter will return documents with both humanitarian in the title and created after Tue, 28 May 2013 11:40:34 GMT (13697412340000 in milliseconds).

Conditional filters can also be nested as illustrated below:

	"filter": {
		"operator": "AND",
		"conditions": [{
			"field": "title",
			"value": "humanitarian"
			"operator": "OR",
			"conditions": [{
				"field": "country",
				"value": "DR Congo"
				"field": "source",
				"value": "OCHA"

The above filter will return documents with humanitarian in the title and either DR Congo as country or OCHA as source.


The sort parameters accepts an array of sortable field names with the sort direction appended to the field name: :desc or :asc. See entity information for details about sortable fields. The order of the field names in the array will determine the priority of the sorting.

	"sort": ["date:desc", "title:asc"]

In the above example, the results will be sorted by date (most recent documents first) and then by title for documents with the same date.

↑ top


This method can be used to get the number of entity items for a given set of query/filters or the total number of entity items if none.

It accepts the following parameters (see the list method for more details):

parameter description values
query Classic search query which accepts an extended syntax. The default is no query. See method list - query for more details. object
filter Allows filtering of the results, it can be a simple filter or a logical combination of filters. The default is no filter. See method list - filter for more details. object

The number of items is the count property of the data property of the returned json object.

For example:

curl -XGET '' -d '{
  "query": {
    "value" : "country:Japan"


	"version": 0,
	"status": 200,
	"data": {
		"type": "report",
		"count": 2414

↑ top

Item ID

This “method” is used to get the data for a single item using its unique ID.

By default, without any parameter, it returns all the available (existing) fields for the entity item.

See method info for information on the entity fields.


curl -XGET ''


	"version": 0,
	"status": 200,
	"data": {
		"type": "report",
		"id": 573658,
		"item": {
			"id": "573658",
			"url": "",
			"status": true,
			"date": {
				"created": 1367592399000,
				"changed": 1367592851000,
				"original": 1367539200000
			"title": "EU Chief Observer expresses serious concerns about levels of violence affecting the campaign during a visit to Peshawar",
			"body": "Chief Observer of the EU Election Observation Mission (EU EOM) to Pakistan and Member of the European Parliament, Michael Gahler, raised his serious concerns about the increased levels of violence against certain political parties during a visit to Peshawar on 2 May. Mr. Gahler reiterated his call, when visiting Karachi last week, on state authorities to do their utmost to protect the lives of candidates and citizens and safeguard the democratic process.\n\n\u201cThe targeted attacks on certain political parties and their supporters in parts of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Sindh and Balochistan are not only affecting these parties by distorting the playing field. In fact, every attack is an assault on the democratic process as a whole, and on the right of citizens to have an equal say in their governance. I welcome the efforts of Pakistan\u2019s state authorities to provide security for the elections, and I urge all stakeholders to do everything within their means to stand up against the violence and provide for citizens to exercise their democratic rights without fear.\u201d Said Chief Observer Michael Gahler.\n\nDuring his visit Mr. Gahler met with provincial government officials, the election administration, political candidates and representatives from civil society from Khyber Pakthunkhwa and the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA).\n\nThe EU EOM\u2019s long-term methodology looks at several stages in the electoral process. The mission observes the elections in Islamabad, Khyber Pakthunkhwa, Punjab and Sindh. While the EU EOM has not deployed any observers in Balochistan and FATA, the Chief Observer\u2019s recent visits show the EU EOM\u2019s interest in actively following what is happening in those areas.",
			"language": [{
				"id": "267",
				"name": "English",
				"code": "en"
			"primary_country": {
				"id": "182",
				"name": "Pakistan",
				"iso3": "pak"
			"country": [{
				"id": "182",
				"name": "Pakistan",
				"iso3": "pak",
				"primary": true
			"source": [{
				"id": "2831",
				"name": "European Union",
				"shortname": "EU",
				"longname": "European Union",
				"homepage": "http:\/\/\/",
				"type": {
					"id": "271",
					"name": "Government"
			"format": [{
				"id": "8",
				"name": "News and Press Release"
			"theme": [{
				"id": "4600",
				"name": "Protection and Human Rights"

The body field above is formatted according to the Markdown syntax and can be converted to html by using a markdown library.

This “method” accepts only one parameter:

parameter description values
fields Indicates which fields to include or exclude in the item data. See method list - fields for more details. array of field names to include or exclude

For example:

curl -XGET '' -d '{
  "fields": {
    "include" : ["country.iso3"]



↑ top


1. Latest 5 headlines

URL, primary country name and title of latest 5 headlines, sorted by date.

curl -XGET '' -d '{
	"limit": 5,
	"fields": {
		"include": ["url", "", "title"]
	"filter": {
		"field": "headline"
	"sort": ["date.created:desc"]



	"version": 0,
	"status": 200,
	"data": {
		"type": "report",
		"time": 2,
		"total": 586,
		"count": 5,
		"list": [{
			"id": "573782",
			"score": 1,
			"fields": {
				"url": "",
				"title": "Syria Crisis Bi-Weekly Humanitarian Situation Report - Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Iraq and Turkey, 18 April - 02 May 2013",
				"primary_country": {
					"name": "Syrian Arab Republic"
			"id": "573768",
			"score": 1,
			"fields": {
				"url": "",
				"title": "Middle East, North Africa, Afghanistan and Pakistan: Humanitarian Snapshot (as of 30 April 2013) [EN\/AR]",
				"primary_country": {
					"name": "Syrian Arab Republic"
			"id": "573763",
			"score": 1,
			"fields": {
				"url": "",
				"title": "UN warns nearly 13,000 families displaced near Afghan border, many more could follow",
				"primary_country": {
					"name": "Pakistan"
			"id": "573736",
			"score": 1,
			"fields": {
				"url": "",
				"title": "DR Congo: UN food relief agency warns of \u2018Triangle of Death\u2019",
				"primary_country": {
					"name": "Democratic Republic of the Congo"
			"id": "573717",
			"score": 1,
			"fields": {
				"url": "",
				"title": "Niger : Bulletin humanitaire num\u00e9ro 17, 2 mai 2013",
				"primary_country": {
					"name": "Niger"

2. Latest Map for Syria

curl -XGET '' -d '{
	"limit": 1,
	"fields": {
		"include": ["url", "title", "file.preview"]
	"query": {
		"value": "primary_country:Syria AND format:map"
	"filter": {
		"field": "file.preview"
	"sort": ["date.created:desc"]

or[include][0]=url&fields[include][1]=title&fields[include][2]=file.preview&query[value]=primary_country:Syria format:map&filter[field]=file.preview&sort[0]=date.created:desc


	"version": 0,
	"status": 200,
	"data": {
		"type": "report",
		"time": 2,
		"total": 1,
		"count": 1,
		"list": [{
			"id": "573773",
			"score": 2.1177814,
			"fields": {
				"url": "",
				"title": "Regional Humanitarian Funding Update (as of 30 April 2013)",
				"file": [{
					"preview": "http:\/\/\/sites\/\/files\/resources-pdf-previews\/147308-Regional%20Humanitarian%20Funding%20Update%2030%20Apr%202013..png"

In the above example, the returned documents are Map updates (see ReliefWeb - Maps and Infographics).

Filtering for maps can be done in 2 ways:

  • In the query string

    As in the example, maps can be obtain by specifying format:map in the query value (note the AND between the terms).

  • In a filter

        "filter": {
          "field": "format",
          "value": "map"

3. Example of an error due to a bad syntax:


	"version": 0,
	"status": 400,
	"error": {
		"type": "UnexpectedValueException",
		"message": "Invalid parameter 'fields'. It must be an array with the 'include' and\/or 'exclude' fields defined."

↑ top


  • ReliefWeb taxonomy terms

    For possible filter values or query terms, please refer to the filters on the corresponding Reliefweb pages:

    A list of all the available terms should soon be available with a more convenient ways to explore the different values.

  • Images

        "file": [{
          "preview": "http:\/\/\/sites\/\/files\/resources-pdf-previews\/147308-Regional%20Humanitarian%20Funding%20Update%2030%20Apr%202013..png"

    Images or file previews (some pdf only) like above, can be pretty large and it may be a good to cache and resize them on the application side.

  • Markdown

    Some fields use the markdown (see Markdown) format and should be transformed into HTML using a library like PHP - Markdown.

    Those fields can contain internal link to ReliefWeb - Updates in the form [some title](/node/123456). Those link should be converted to absolute links before transforming the field into HTML.

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